The Naturists Guide to Foraging For Dinner

Foraging is one of the most primal practices a human being can participate in. No ques, no additives, and no prices. It is just you and nature working together in harmony. Foraging can be a worrying issue for some with many having doubts over the safety of the practice. This passage will aim to alleviate your fears. I am a self-identifying naturist and as such, I have spent years foraging in nature. And now I want to share my hard-earned knowledge with you.


Is Foraging Safe?

Every time I tell a colleague or a relative that I am actually a forager I get this funny look, and the words ‘Are you sure that’s safe?’ Always seem to fall out of their mouths. Well, all I can say is, yes, it is safe. The way that we as a species secured our food for thousands of years is safe, surprisingly. We did actually eat before the invention of Walmart. Foraging breaks down the walls between you and your food. There is perhaps nothing purer than you going out to nature and collecting your food for yourself. I’m obviously not advising people to just go out and eat berries. So, despite how safe it actually is, I would recommend reading a couple of books on signs of both safe and unsafe wild growth.


When is the Best Time of Year to Forage?

This is quite a subjective question as it does generally depend on your local biome. A general rule of thumb is the rainier the season the better. A little motto for us naturists is ‘Spring and autumn you get hauling.’ The rainy seasons allow for a larger yield of different forms of the plant. With the most vibrant of mushrooms and berries growing during these periods. Due to this rainy season you will have to account for a lack of sunlight, so think of investing in both good clothing and flashlights, I would personally recommend an edc flashlight; and if you so choose you can read more about edc flashlights here.


How can I be a Responsible Forager?

The most important part of any forage is not what you find, but instead what you leave. I simply can not stress enough just how important it is that you leave any biome just how you found it. Just so you can go about your foraging stress-free, here are some simple rules that you can follow.

Do not de-root; this one is quite simple when you are picking berries or any other delicacy, do no de-root the plant, this will take away the opportunity for others to sample the food, and will harm the local biome.

Secondly, you should avoid bringing any pets, this means dogs, cats, or rabbits. You name it. If it is a domesticated animal it does not belong in a wildlife surrounding, as it more often than not leads to harm on the biome.

Finally, you should keep an eye out for any damaged plant, and see if you can play a role in repairing it or replanting. If you keep these simple rules in mind then you will be well on your way to becoming a responsible forager.


After reading this passage I hope you now have a flame lit inside you that will encourage you to go out and forage for yourself. Not only is foraging safe, but I can guarantee you a level of enjoyment that the superstore simply cannot provide. I hope you remain responsible and you take note of all of my tips. Happy foraging.


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